Beautifully Well Conversations with Nik

Add more time to your daily self-care routine using Nik's formula.

January 17, 2024 Nik Sweeney Season 1 Episode 4

Welcome Beautifuls, 

If only we could add more hours to day, more days to the week. As you navigate your daily to-do list you notice, you are last on the list because there isn't enough in the day. 

How do you change the thought of lacking time to making time to take care of you. Coach Nik shares her time management tip to help you discover lost time you can use to build consistency in your healthy habits. 

Grab a pen or pencil to take notes on your self-awareness journey. 

"You are already beautiful. Let's get Beautifully Well." Experience the amazing benefits of our holistic approach to better health.

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