Beautifully Well Conversations with Nik

When acid reflux is really a heart attack....Perisa's Story.

February 13, 2024 Nik Sweeney Season 1 Episode 4

Imagine you are walking your dog when symptoms of acid reflux makes you feel so sick that a passerby stops to ask if you're ok. You tell them you're fine but in actuality, you're having a heart attack. 

That's Perisa's story. The heart attack took her by surprise because she thought she was living a healthy lifestyle.  When I listened to some of the challenges she faced receiving the proper care, I cringed.

The number one cause of death in the U.S. is heart disease. Women are at a higher risk for heart disease than men. Known as the silent killer, heart disease is often misdiagnosed and improperly treated. 

The good news, is heart disease can be prevented and if diagnosed, can be successfully managed. 

Amani Nicol Wellness is an Office of Women's Health Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring Program Partner on a mission to reduce the risk of hypertension for women in the Baltimore metropolitan area. 

"You are already beautiful. Let's get Beautifully Well." Experience the amazing benefits of our holistic approach to better health.

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